Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Listen To Your Elders..."

Mainly because they can find you REALLY cool stuff!
 Goodwill $1.99 grandma made me stop and go in and I found it!

As you know, Wednesday is Beauty shop day for my Grandmother. This week iv deiced im going to write a best selling book titled "Confessions from the chair"  and the cover art will be some little old lady underneath a hair dryer.  I'm telling you some of the Gossip and Confessions are OUT OF THIS WORLD! haha. There's one lady  I particularity  like, shes a character! She seems like a harsh little lady but shes got a heart of gold... she just says what ever pops into her mind though. Example :  When I had my beard grown out  for Jesus Christ Superstar she says  "young man you could stand to lose some weight... or you could bleach that (beard) and Play Santa Clause..."  to which I reply  "Oh Ruth, you PEACH!" haha
I must admit Fanny Flagg got it right when she wrote...

"Texas Is big, DANG BIG....
We got BIG cars,
BIG bugs,
and BIG, BIG, Hair...."

 Some of those blue haired belles can bat their hair up so high it almost doubles their height! If the ladies didn't fuss about me taking pictures while they were in curlers I could have gotten some artsy ones! This Beauty Shop is very much in the style of "Steel Magnolias". A whole line of Cokes with lipstick stained straws. Every now and then I'll take my record player and the "good" 45's up there and play them while my grandma get her hair and nails "done".  I love seeing how they react to different songs,  some they haven't heard in years.  I also enjoy the stories they share, both nostalgic and scandalous!



  1. Get me there now! I love it when you find out that places like this really DO exist. I want to get my hair and nails done with the little old gals.x

  2. Well, I work in a nursing home as a Social Worker, and you're right, they really ARE jewels. I love them all. Mick, you would be so awesome working in the aging field. They love the nostalgia and you have such a good heart! ZSM

  3. Ha the beauty of getting old is saying whatever pops in your head. =)

  4. something I learned growing up in Texas: the higher the hair, the closer to God.

  5. I am SO GLAD I'm old! Well, I have to say that because there's not a freaking thing I can do about it, but really, it's so liberating to say what's really on your mind and not give a s**t what people think. That being said, I never would tell someone they're fat, just because I know how it feels to be on the receiving end. But if someone said that to me NOW, you can bet I'd give it back just as good! Especially if it was some old bag with blue helmet hair and boobs sagging all the way to her knees. Ha Ha Ha!!

  6. I would definitely read 'Confessions from the Chair' - I bet it would be sordid indeed.

    I love listening to old people's stories.

  7. But why is the hair big in Texas? Because they can?

    Thank you for taking me to the beauty salon with you and your grandma.

  8. Grannys rock. I cant wait to have a pink rinse when im older :)

  9. It would make a great book. But, you might have to wait for dementia to kick in on all the old ladies. If you tell their stories, they might start throwing the curling iron at you!

  10. Hey Vintage Christine, I had something happen on Monday night when I was leaving work. An old guy that needed to sign something said "why are you in such a hurry?" and I told him my dog had escaped and I needed to go chase him. He said, "How you gonna chase a dog, fat as you are?" Now if I woulda said what I wanted, I woulda said, "Have you looked in the mirror lately?" But I guess I opted for keeping my job! Zootsuitmama

  11. Why, of course. The higher the hair the closer to God!

  12. Tag line for the book!

    Title "Confessions from the chair"

    tag line -"The higher the hair, the closer to God..."



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