Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

Thursday night during our performance of "Jesus Christ Superstar" It hit me like a TON of bricks,

what we were doing on stage actually happened that Thursday night roughly 1,977 years ago...

and I was in awe.  I think it was fitting that last night was one of the top 3 performances during the run of the show.

Im not much on Bible quoting and thumping, but how miraculous, HE HAS RISEN!

*  *  *

Last night during warm ups for the show we were walking in a circle on stage in pairs, and I started to hum then all out sing this song. and everyone stopped and looked at me... and I said "Don't look at me like im an idiot just sing the song!"  AND THEY DID! For a good two minuets we strolled the stage two by two in out JCS costumes as if we were Fred & Judy.   (I live for moments like that ) :)

 I wish a Happy and Blessed Easter to all my blogger pals!



  1. Thanks, Mick! That sounds just magical. Wish I could have seen it! Have a beautiful day! ZSM

  2. Hooray for you for taking the lead! I hope you have, and had, a great Easter day!

  3. I love a guy who knows how to have fun and isn't afraid to sing!

    Happy Easter Mick!

  4. The best movie EVER starring two of the best stars EVER! Even though Fred was considerably older than Judy (like he was with several of his female co-stars, it seemed) it was never weird. Although I prefer Gene Kelly a little bit over Fred, I will still sit through any movie with either of them and if they're in a movie together, wowza! Hope your Easter was wonderful!!!!


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