Friday, April 16, 2010

Everythings Coming Up Roses... except for the Clagswell Lawn Mower...

Well readers as you know Wednesday is the day I take my Grand mother to the beauty shop! GOD help us all if she isn't in that chair by 1:00!  Yesterday was also the first yard mow of the year for grandma, which i dread because of her lawn mower...

Its a good 30 years old (and even new it wasn't all that great)  A few weeks ago, my dad gave it a long over due tune up, and he said "Everything should work now, the next thing to go out will be that front tire..." WHY I didn't change it then I will never know.... So as I push the lawn mower out of the barn, OF COURSE that tire goes *POP WHOOOOOOOOOSH!*  seriously this mower has more problems than Mr Douglas' Clagswell tractor on Green Acres.
This is NOT my grandmas mower, but it may as well be! Haha the red arrow shows the tire that went flat. So I load grandma in the car and off we go to Atwoods (redneck walmart) to find a new tired. Once I find the right size and tread with no help form any of the 20 some odd  employees standing around... Grandma turns her nose up at the fact its $21.45, we buy it and then I had to run over to Walmart (redneck H.E.B.)  because I needed to pick up the $7 "Rocky Horror Picture Show" dvd while they were on sale for a Drive-In party were having later this month. Next to walmart is a Goodwill, but I didnt want to go... STRANGE I know.. so grandma says "What gives? Your not going to Goodwill? Are you sick?!" So I pull into Goodwill and boy was I glad I did!
I have been searching for a shelf or small table to store movies in Turquoise room, but iv been VERY picky about what I get lol. However when I saw this GOLD  geometric wall shadow box I snatched it up!  I was thinking to myself "ya know that might just work"  I picked up a dvd and WHAT DO YA KNOW?! A Perfect fit.  The sticker on it was for $4.99 and I just so happened to have $5.80 -Thank you Goodwill God's 
 It can hold 40 dvd's! Im thrilled and can't wait to get it hung in the room! Then I fought the stupid tire on the lawn mower trying to get it off the rim, after 2 hours of fighting, and a good pop in the face form the pry bar id had enough. I took it to our local shop feeling kind of guilty because I was doing what my dad calls "throwing money at a problem" however at the shop, it took 3 grown burly men to get that little tire off its rim. It was SO worth the $5 not to have a 'butt chewing' as we call them in my family with dad

*  *  *  
As if this week couldn't get any better when i got home from class this morning and checked the mailbox this was waiting for me!
Leah and I traded via "trade ya vintage" Im getting some really cool plates of hers later this afternoon and she will be receiving some flamingo string lights later this week! Its been a pretty good week!

Dont forget to comment on yesterdays "Travel Themed Giveaway" post to be entered!  The prize is growing! so be sure to enter!!!!



  1. You are a great story teller! You had me lol all by my lonesome. You always are blessed by the Goodwill Gods; that is a great shelf. The mower tire story is hilarious, I would've done the same thing and spend the 5$ to have that darn tire removed!

  2. what a great solution to storing your DVDs! colour me jealous!

  3. What a good and bad day! Glad you got someone else to get that dang tire off and your Goodwill find is awesome! I gasped at the picture, it is perfect!!! Love your Grandma and can't wait to see the plates you traded.

  4. Awesome shelf! Lucky you!

    But Mick, you have the modern TV hidden by a vintage one, right? Me personally, I'd hide those modern DVDs too and put some vintage goodies on that shelf. =)

    OK, that's just me. I'm hyper that way!

  5. Redneck Walmart? That's redundant. Thank goodness I have a hubby who can fix stuff like that but if he's offshore when something breaks, well, then it just sits there and rots until he gets home. Last night I set the grill on fire so no more cookouts for Fire Marshall Chrissy!

  6. Great wall shelf! Please tell me you got grandma in the beauty chair by 1:00! And, Rocky Horror will be great for the Drive In. I'll would bring the toast!


  7. 1950's Atomic ranch house, your right... Im going to keep looking for this "table cabinet im dreaming of" I might put the shelf up over the tv. IT SO HARD to find stuff because the walls are little weird sizes!

  8. Green Acres, what a hoot!
    You always entertain me! It does seem like the retro gods balance our bad times with the good stuff we find! Zootsuitmama

  9. It's no accident the retro gods shower great finds on take your Gram to the beauty salon, fix her lawnmower and mow the lawn all in one day! You are a great guy, you deserve all the great finds.

  10. I have just found your blog. Your stories are very fun to read.

    "throwing money at a problem" - my new phrase.


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