Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Dollar Ten!

So today was the "City Wide" garage sale in good old Iowa Park Texas...
For $1.10 I scored myself, 2 lamps from the 1960's, a magazine rack, 2 more records to add the the collection, a "Lil Abner" glass from 1968 and a Samsonite hat box.
I'll provably give the magazine rack a fresh coat of gold paint, its going in the 'Turquoise Room'. My hands down favorite find is this Lil Abner glass from 1968 ... $0.25

My second favorite find of the day, is that hat box! Let me explain, When I was maybe 14 I saw a movie called "Crazy In Alabama"
In  the movie, the main character kills her husband and to make sure he wont follow her she cuts his head off and put it in a hat box.  However before she can find a hat box she keeps the severed head in a tupperware cake container in a brown grocery bag. While on the run she goes into an up scale lady shop in Louisianan where she explains to the sales lady "Do you, Do you remember that Audry Hepburn in it? The one at Tiffany's? I want one like that with a big floppy brim...and a really nice hat box" Its hysterical in the movie! So I snatched this $0.10 green hat box up Im debating taping the gold snaps up and spraying it black like the one it the movie.... The close and sets are great, and it has a simi-star studded cast. Iv found the more you watch it the funnier / meaningful it gets.  More than likely all the picture we take at the lake will be kept in it

Well that's what Ya get for a $1.10! Tonight is also our last night of Jesus Christ Superstar,  I don't want it to end, but at the same time im ready to shave this FREAKIN' beard off my face, get a hair cut, and go to the lake on the weekends again!



  1. Wow, $1.10. And I thought my $4 curtains were a deal!

    I can hear you sing: "Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho..."

    (I memorized the album soon after it came out, Ted Neely was a babe of a Jesus, if it's not too sinful to admit that lol).........

  2. $1.10???? OMG!!! That is a steal. I like the Lil Abner cup too. I remember going to Dogpatch USA with my grandpa when I was a kid. It is no longer open but that cup brings up some good memories. Cool!

  3. I can't believe how much you got for $1.10!! Love the hat box but you are right the Lil Abner cup is awesome!

  4. ooh...those lamps...I love lamps! you got a bargain! I found some great things today as well, I'll get a post up soon.

  5. Mick, that magazine rack is freking awesome. Does it need any cleaning up? that stuff i used on the cosco rolling cart works miracles.

  6. Jackpot! I love it when that happens. I love the hatbox the most. That is one of my favorite movies!

  7. I can just see the mod black and white patent leather contact paper, and some white plastic Eames chairs with those lamps! Great score Mick! I hit a pretty good garage sale today and will post pix later! Glad it's the garage sale season again!! ZSM

  8. I love it all. I think I saw that movie back in the day, too. Seems familiar.

    Cool blog you got here! Glad I stopped by!

    Visit me at

  9. I remember that movie with the head in the hatbox. She was delightfully insane!
    Hatboxes are a thing of total Audrey and they are almost as unique as the hats that were stored in them.

  10. Ha ha--I remember going to see the musical "Lil Abner" in 1959! Have you ever seen it? The scene where all the goobers are turned into brainless sexless muscle men was literally burned into my brain and I can STILL remember all the words to the song the poor gals sang after they decided they wanted libido over brawn. "Put 'em back, put 'em back, put 'em back the way they was. Maybe they weren't so attractive but they sure were ACTIVE . . . put 'em back the way they wuuuuuuuuuuuz!" Any movie with Julie Newmar, Stubby Kaye AND Stella Stevens (as Appassionata Von Climax!!!) is as classic as they get!

  11. You made out like a bandit! The Lil' Abner cup is wonderful, my Mom loves Lil' Abner. We were raised up in Hillbilly fashion so I can see why! The movie with the hatbox, I'm gonna have to NetFlix it, sounds crazy!

  12. Wow! Whatta score!!

  13. Mick, I, too, remember going to Dogpatch USA when I was a kid. It was an amusement park in the Ozarks that I went to with my family. I don't remember much other than it seemed to be in the woods. I was probably 10 or 11. What a find! Stan


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