Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dishes, Lights, & A Bite To Eat!

This morning I went back over to the garage, this time dad pulled the tractor out so i could climb up with a ladder..
(Pretty Slick 1955 Ford... ain't it!) 
I climb up into the eaves and notice a box I somehow missed when I pulled all the rest of the dishes down.  Sure enough in the box there were more dishes to the set.

8 tea cup saucers, 8 cake plates, and 4 tea cups  (I know there's 4 more I had them at the C. H.&R.
for a long time) I didn't realize I made them into a snow flake, BY NO MEANS am I hoping for snow!  I got them home and HAND WASHED them, then packed them up to go to the lake.  Not two second after I had done this my dad says "Do you wanna go wire in your lights today?" and I said "Sure!"  So to the Casablanca we went.  I have no pictures of the lights being installed, it was fairly easy though. See my Dad is a strictly business sorta guy,  And he would have gotten mad if I had stopped to take pictures, but Im thankful that he helped me, because I swear anything he does will last longer than the Egyptians.... so Ta-Da!

You have NO IDEA how tickled I am to finally have a light switch. Seriously every light in the house until now has either been a bare bulb you have to turn, or a pull chain fixture. (Aside from the lamps)

The fact I can flip a switch and both lights come on makes me giddy inside!
I would like to Warn all those who go out and buy vintage light fixtures MAKE SURE all the parts are there!!! There was one tiny nut missing on the 2nd fixture and I had to slaughter an innocent floor lamp just to get the project done. Slaughter aside, Im very pleased with the outcome, Oh yes and the light switch.

 After my dad and I finished, I cleaned up the room, Windex-ed the light fixtures and spent maybe 10 minuets just turning the lights on and off NOT RAPIDLY mind you but just one and off. (wouldn't want to wear this shiny new switch out)   I went into the kitchen and started swapping dishes here's the before....with my 40 something dishes...


now the new matching dishes!

That top glass cabinet has been painted over since I moved in... more thank likely I will be scraping the paint off the glass during spring break so I can put some of the dishes up there too.
After The dishes were put away we headed home, but not before stopping at "Kathy's Corner" for a bacon cheese burger and it cost...$4.25!   

Seriously this place is a land mark, it isn't fancy, but the food is good and excellent prices! Its also on the way to the Casablanca!  Sometimes when we don't feel like cooking someone will make a run to Kathy's! Just look at what the menu has to offer! The people are so nice, and prices cant be beat!

 I will have to do a shocking confessions post soon for all of you thinking about coming to the party later this summer.  Its not a bad post haha just some things you should provably know in order to have the BEST time when you get here! : )



  1. So glad you found more of those dishes. They look great in the Casablanca.

  2. Congrats on the lights! It's always nice to see where the cat is laying before you walk in the room! The dishes look great. As for the diner, the best food I've ever eaten come from places like that! Yum!

    Looks great!

  3. So, is the Ford an 8N or a 9N - looks to me like it's probably an 8N. We're an Allis Chalmers family. I'll have to get a pic of our D-15 sometime to share. Now that's a hard working little tractor! I love using that thing.

    The lights look great! I have a couple of those "church lights" in my shed. I'll have to get them out and take a picture of them sometime. Still haven't decided where to use them. I don't want to replace the bedroom ceiling fans, and the rest of the lighting in the Shack is original.

    Those little roadside burger places are the best. We have one here in town called Eastside (we call it Judy's because we know the owner...well, I guess that's how most small towns are...). I ate there tonight. Had a double cheeseburger (made out of real, handmade beef patties) a huge order of tater tots, and a medium Pepsi for $6.30. About the same price as the golden arches, and much better quality!

  4. Love the lights! I'm so glad your family doesn't throw away ANYTHING! Those dishes are perfect for the C H&R!

    I love those little funky diners, they are the best! We have some here and the food is the best!;)

  5. okay Mick, it's driving me nuts - what model is that old Ford tractor? (that old International truck in the background is pretty good lookin' as well).


Tell me all about it!