Monday, March 15, 2010

Break On The Lake : Day 1

Not many people showed up, It seems were all having a 'series of unfortunate events' preventing guests from getting to the Casablanca, but Im here! Ready to see today's projects?  When I got here at 9:30 I deiced I was going to border the house with rocks to match the flowerbeds ...
After an hour so I started toying with the idea of a "landing for the steps, rather than the worn welcome mat that covered up an old tree stump. The step came out very easily, I guess it had just rotted in the ground, So I go busy moving dirt and leveling the area the best I could. an hour or so later and Vi-ola!
At first I was having second thoughts about these red our of place stamped concrete  blocks, but then I made a border for them with some rocks and am quite please : )  Tomorrow im supposed to have more people coming to hang out. I invited my fellow cast members in Jesus Christ Superstar to come and join in the fun. (I really hope Jesus comes, becaus that would look GREAT "Jesus gives the C.H.&R. two thumbs up!) Haha.  Tune in tomorrow for part two!



  1. The rock border definitely makes it: it softens the edges. I love the pink flamingos too! :)

  2. glad im not the only one with pink flamingos! great work!

  3. Love it! My pink flamingos will come home to roost soon! ZSM

  4. Love the rocks. They're so square! Mine tend to be more jagged. I could create a wall (which is a chore on my list of things to do) with yours.

  5. CH&R looks like a fun place to be! The rocks look perfect; have a nice break :)


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