Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Grandma's are the BEST!

I mean they REALLY are! 

Monday I stopped by my Gandma Jordan's to give her the mail and talk for a while, and we eneded up watching "Days of Our Lives" together. Well Just as I was getting ready to leave, Grandma says "Oh I have an early Valentines Gift for you"  Well I turn around and shes holding a white glass mixing bowl, And I think "Oh sweet she got my Pyrex!"

 Well then Grandma says "The rest is on the kitchen Counter", She Leads me in to the kitchen and...

 THERE sits her COVETED 1946 Hamilton Beach Mixer. I just gave her a funny look and she says "Its yours, but dont tell your cousin Carma she'll be PISSED!"  ( Since Carma doesnt read the blog, or take time to talk with me... I think were safe.) I have been pining for this forever!
Last season Grandma let me haul it to the Casablanca on a "bake and return" basis.  So this Is a gift MOST  welcome. Now I wonder If I should leave it be, or maybe repaint the white body of the mixer?  because as you can see most of the paint is gone, and I kinda like my old stuff to look sharp and new but still be old. HOWEVER this model is a Classic, and id hate to ruin it... so Paint it? Keep its charming faded age? I dont mind doing either, because when i see the worn paint and chips I think of  just how much love went into all thoes cakes and pies Grandma baked.

My Grandmother, was born Mary LeDell Trimm on March 20th of  1922.
She later Changed the "LeDell" to "LaDell" (she said Le was a boys name) and most people call her "LaDell" I call her Granny :)
 Her family lived on a farm, and she worked as a "checker" at the A&P grocerie store here in town. She and her sister Ruth graduate Class of 1940 in Iowa Park Tx. This was the biggest class to have graduated from Iowa Park High School until 2008, my class was bigger)
 In 1955  she said "I do" to a rowdy oil hand who often came into the A&P to cash his paycheck. His name was Lindon Ross Jordan, and he was my Grandpa (saddly he passed in 2003)
Together they had 3 children "Marcus Lee", "Joyce Lynn", and "Micheal Odell" (my dad)
Oh and one more thing....
THEY KEPT EVERYTHING THEY EVER BOUGHT!!!!! I'll have to do a post over the "Barn" its jungle, but theres lots of goodies in there!

Well Im off to bake a cake!
P.S. Get Your Kicks On Route 66, 66 followers!!!!



  1. keep it as it is for this reason alone: "because when i see the worn paint and chips I think of just how much love went into all thoes cakes and pies Grandma baked."

    what a lovely gift!!

  2. Aw, that is the best Valentine's Day gift ever! I agree with Shrinky Inky... don't paint the mixer. It's beautiful as is and your grandmother worked hard to give it so much character and charm. :)

    Her photo is fabulous, too! I love her hair, and I bet that dress was a real knockout! She looks and sounds like a wonderful lady. Thank you for sharing her story with us.

  3. Do not paint it!!! If you want you can get a newer looking one for display, they're not that hard to find (I buy them whenever I see them in all sizes). Keep showing us all her goodies. Will she be attending your Summer bash? Hope so!!

  4. Grandma's ARE the best. That's sooo sweet of your Grandmother.

    It's been years, but every time I use one of my grandparent's garden or kitchen utensils it stirs up memories of them. I wouldn't paint it!

  5. Such a great gift and I would not touch it. Just use it and love it!

  6. What a wonderful gift! I'll join the consensus on not painting the mixer - it's a thing of beauty as is, both because your grandmother used it with love and because she wanted you to have it :) Love the photo of Grandma too!

  7. What a treasure...I had one just like that which was my grandmothers...but sad to say I don't have it..my ex has it...I agree with everyone else I would leave it as is and enjoy...
    your grandmother sounds like a real sweetheart...
    Have a great day...
    Sweet Blessings...

  8. Leave it the way it is....don't paint it. And ask your grandma if she wants to adopt me as a grandson. I'm available! Stan

  9. Leave it just as it is! Someday you'll regret it if you paint it!

  10. No paint, Mick..it's lasted all these years and has a right to show its "battle scars". Love it as it is, and it will always recall good memories of Grandma and her baked goodies and her generous heart:-)

  11. What an awesome mixer! I love the design!

    I agree with everyone else: don't paint it, it's too much of a classic and I reckon it'll remind you of your grandma more as it is!

  12. Oh man! Leave it be. Its wonderful age and wear are a part of your family history! I love my Hamilton Beach mixer too, we may have the same model. I have made it a part of my wallpaper over on my new blog. www.ihearteverythingblog.blogspot.com I made this blog because of your blog and the many other vintage bloggers. What a great community!

  13. Mick, I think I love your Grandma!


  14. Surprise! I do read your blog. I think Granny gave you a great gift. You should definitely leave the mixer in it's original condition.


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