Monday, February 1, 2010


Today Dear readers, I am blanking on ideas and only coming up with little bits a peices of things I need to write down or say or get out there So im bringing to you a "Bloglett"!

First, I Should provably be doing my Spanish Homework (As it is due friday) however  Everytime  I try to take a crack at it that old Bing Crosby song creeps into my mind "You Dont Have to Know the Language"

I yi,yi! Haha This song PLAUGED me During my Spanish final last semester!

And Now for some important Stuff!

I will be closing the giveaway WENDSEDAY AT 6:00 p.m.  Central Time! SO If you havent entered you provably should! (These Record Bowls have been selling like crazy)

Hurry Hurry! Go Enter on the "Fabulos 50's" post!

These grey Days are starting to get to me! Theres sunny 60's in the forecast for this weekend, and If this is true I will be at the Casablanca!

I also wanna let you guys and gals in on another giveaway (It seems like so many of us hit 25, 50, 100, followers recently!)

Lets see heres a give away at Shrinky Inks Fine Adventures: 
This One Is mostly For the Ladies! But Fellas Who knows you might just score some vintage doo-dads for your Sweetie!

 HO-LY CRAP... I have GOT to lay off the Elvis Movies and The Andy Griffith Show... I find ceritan words creeping into my phraseology! haha

I hope something happens soon, today it just seems like theres nothing to post about! Well I think im gonna put the Andrew Sisters Album on and do some house cleaning... and Spanish!



  1. Ay chee-wa-wa! For someone who said he didn't have much to say, you said a mouthful, sugar! I just LOVE the word "doo-dad"! Me no habla ess-pan-yol, me parlay le fran-say. Now get back to studying!!

  2. Thanks for your visit to my blog and thanks for leaving the comment. So happy to meet another appreciator of all things vintage!!
    Happy day!


Tell me all about it!