Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I bet the hills of the North Pole are stained with red...



  1. hahaha! When I was growing up, we always waited till my mother's birthday on December 15 before we put up any decorations. Now I know why.

  2. haha! Several houses have their lights up already here in MN. Crazy! But you can't really blame us...I just let the dogs outside, and it was snowing a tiny bit!!! So we can't help but "Get in the mood" a little early around here!
    Erica :)

  3. I'm actually contemplating getting a head start on my Christmas decorating by getting some decorations out now. But no lights. I promise!


  4. On the practical side...I will be putting up Xmas light tomorrow before the weather is too cold.

    When I was a wee girl we didn't decorate or buy the tree before the 20th...of December of course!


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