Friday, May 30, 2014

Million Dollar Mermaid!

Well, worth a million to me Dear Readers...
I have always wanted one of these chalkware mermaids to hang up in the bathroom, but they are just so hard to find! And when one does pop up it goes for big picture my surprise when we discovered this unpainted chalkware maiden of the sea in my Grandmothers things out in the barn!
With a totally blank canvas, I am so excited to get to paint my own mermaid! But... there are so many color combos- I'm not sure what to do?! I really like the four different types above.  (I am considering making her a red head with a turquoise tail, but I'm not sold on it yet!)  What do you Readers think?!
We also found a 12" purple chalkware seahorse with silver glitter in the barn! It has already been added to the collage of chalkware sea life on the bathroom wall. It's starting to look pretty cool!

Once again, Grandma taking care of me!



  1. That is so awesome! You will smile every single time you look at that beautiful mermaid and think of your dear grandma. I was totally thinking redhead with either an aqua or pink tail. Can't wait to see what you pick!


  2. Your Grandma was an amazing woman and I love the mermaid! I agree, redhead and aqua tail!

  3. Too funny! I'd go with turquoise/aqua and red hair.

  4. What a great discovery. What color was your grandmother's hair when she was young? That's how I'd go. :)

  5. Redhead for sure!!! Can't wait to see it finished!

  6. Your grandma had wonderful taste. However you decide to paint the mermaid she will look great on your wall.

  7. What a hoot! I'd say to pick your favorite old time actress to emulate, but who can pick only one?


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