Friday, February 22, 2013

Forgotten Gadgets- The Popeil Brothers Donut Maker!

Gooooooood Mornin' Readers, would you like a donut? Who doesn't want a donut?!
Remember this donut maker I picked up in Bowie?  Well I have been chomping at the bit to try it out, I don't think it had ever been used! So Sunday afternoon Patricia and I geared up to give it a try.
(She's going to kill me when she sees this picture...)
First off, we didn't get to try this experiment out at the Casablanca, it was weird not cooking in my own kitchen. Second no Pyrex was used in this project... I told Patricia "without using Pyrex, I feel like we're making METH!" as I said, It was WEIRD...
So while the oil warmed up, Patricia and I went about making the dough from instructions on the box. We attempted to make two kinds of donuts, Vanilla Donuts and Orange Sour Cream Donuts... I say attempted because the Vanilla ones turned out perfectly! The Orange Sour Cream... not so much (the directions were pretty vague and we ended up throwing that dough out.)
So I filled the Patented "Popeil Brothers Donut Maker" with the batter, On the box it shows the batter being poured from a pitcher into the maker...this is a fallacy. As you can see by the gratuitous batter mess I made on the vessel. Now this donut maker boasts that it "eliminates rolling, cutting, and forming donuts by hand, makes 24 donuts in one filling and guarantees donuts free of imperfections."
And I'll be danged if it didn't do just that! Perfect donuts at the press of a lever, Truly a modern convenience. I think that I was to generous with the amounts of dough as we only yielded 16 total, but 16 was PLENTY!

If only we had thought to concoct some type of icing! Anyone you out there have a good recipe for frosting?! Next time when they are hot, I might dump them in a bag of cinnamon sugar and shaking them around.
 Mmmm, Mmmmm, good, totally worth the $2.00 I spent at the flea market!



  1. That's funny! I have seen those, not in the box, and didn't know what it was for!

  2. Now you need to collect some bright and festive Club Aluminum cookware for use on your stovetop when you can't use Pyrex!

  3. Kill is a tad bit strong of a verb...

  4. That donut maker is the coolest thing! And I love Patricia's comment. There's never any need for her to worry about a picture. She's so photogenic that every one I've ever seen of her looks adorable no matter what she's doing or how she's dressed.

  5. Dangit, Mick! I'm trying to watch my sugar intake and now I am craving donuts!! Those look incredible but definitely would have looked even prettier in Pyrex. Love the Meth comment. I got a good giggle out of that one.


  6. NOW I have to go across the street to get some doughnuts, because our doughnut dropper is one thing I got rid of.

    You do not need a thermometer. Just drop a drop ONLY into your oil. When it is hot enough it will pop.

    Off I go!


Tell me all about it!