Friday, January 11, 2013

Electrified and Tickled Aluminum!

I am just in shock and total bliss dear Readers! Imagine my surprise and delight when my Grandmother Charlene presented me with a late Christmas gift. HOLY COW! She hunted down and found for me a 6ft Pine Aluminum Christmas tree, with the color wheel AND as an added bonus there was a 4ft pine Aluminum tree also in the box!
To be honest I'm still kind of in shock. Here I am, been whining since 10 years old for a 6ft Aluminum tree and here I am now with TWO 6ft trees and TWO 4ft trees. I'm going have an Aluminum Forest!
I want to thank Grandma "Mimi" Charlene for this WONDERFUL gift! I know I just recently purchased a tree, but in this case its the thought that really does count. I'll put them up and treasure them. I can hardly wait until next year to have a gleaming Christmas!



  1. These things look gorgeous with the colored light. I picked up my own (sans light) a few weeks before Christmas, but was out of town for the holidays and didn't even get a chance to set it up.

  2. That's so awesome! You officially have a whole collection of aluminum trees now. The Casablanca is going to look like a sparkly wonderland next Christmas.

  3. Yay! That's awesome. Also, I love your front door. Awesome.

    1. That's actually my Grandmothers front door! My great grand parents built the house in 1969!

  4. I simply had to share this with Hubby. What a fabulous story! Now they all have the perfect home.

  5. AWESOME!!!
    I have 2 with color wheels and all, and I really enjoy having them both up during the holidays. The only pain? Putting back all the branches in the little paper sleeves. Takes forever!

  6. Mick, is this a joke? Come on. You have got to be messing with all of us:-)

    I don't even need to tell you how lucky you are! Now you need to do some serious ornament hunting. It takes a lot of ornaments to fill just one tree so you have some work to do. Have you thought about where you are going to put them all?

    Have a great weekend!


  7. That's so sweet of her! We had multiple trees up this year too (started with three, ended up with two) and it really does look lovely with sparkly aluminum everywhere you loook!

  8. aahh bless your gran theres great ;-) I also managed to find a vintage 60's silver tree this year and filled it with coloured vintage balls it look gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by and for you comment. Dee :-)


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