Monday, November 12, 2012

Board Yet?!

(Our accidental 1950's "Mod" roof line)
Well Readers, I hope I don't bore you with building updates, but right now that's all life "Here at Mick's" is! I promise that once construction is over and we get to the "fun stuff" there will be a windfall of vintage goodness on the blog. I go to work Monday through Friday, and the weekend we work on the house. Haha not much money for thrifting or fantastic finds, right now I'm up to my neck in construction stuff. Most of the pictures for todays blog were snapped by friend Jennifer, here we go!
(Zack, Brandon, Me, & Bryson)
Saturday started windy and early, Dad and I along with friends Jennifer, Patricia, Zack, Brandon and Bryson started screwing in brackets for the roof and got ready to deck!
("Stuff. Is. HAPPENING!")
By noon we were laying plywood on the roof and moving right along...
The next job of the day (and most tedious) was putting the tar paper down on the roof deck, the wind was gusting and the front of the roof is more steep than one would think. Friend Brandon saved the day, a plan was put into action and then wrestling with the tar paper was made easier as we finished.
(Even Patricia & Jennifer got in on the act!)
(Jennifer:"You BETTER NOT be taking a picture.")
It was a long day, but we got a lot accomplished! With any luck the tin for the roof  will be put on sometime this week. After we cleaned up the 'construction site' and washed up I made a meatloaf dinner with a casserole and all the fixings as a Thank you for their help!
I cannot say Thank You Enough! We really couldn't have gotten as much of the project done as we did without everyone's help. I am so blessed and thankful to have such great friends and Fantastic Casablanca Club Members, you guys will never know how much your help means to me!

With any luck we'll be in the dry before Thanksgiving  weekend is over!



  1. Looks like you've made a lot of progress on the addition. Wish I had the know-how to do a big project like this!

  2. Well, I know you're not going to be completely finished by the time I get there for Thanksmass, but you have really done so much already! I know it will be great!!!!

  3. As a fellow home remodeler, I can never get board with your progress. You are doing a great job!

  4. Wow! I am so so so impressed with what you've accomplished so far! Even if you're not finished by Thanksmas, I'll cross my fingers that the weather is mild so you can set up a table under the new roof!

  5. I am so impressed Mick! Casablanca is going to be twice as big!
    Yes, you are very fortunate to have such good friends who always look so happy!! Must be that 'southern' air!


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