Friday, August 3, 2012

The 1958 Miss Casablanca Contest!

Well readers the second most anticipated event of the year was upon us, the 1958 Miss Casablanca Contest! The day was truly exciting and we filmed almost all of the contest! So without further adieu sit back and enjoy! (I apologize for some of the segments, I filmed everything on my iPhone and some of the sound cuts out, in the first few clips the lighting is horrible but none the less you can still see whats going on and I promise it gets better as the contest goes on.)

Here we go, as our Master of Ceremonies - Brandon opens the contest!

The Swimsuit Category- 

(Olivia, Disa, Patricia, & Brianna.)

A special message from our contestants...
("We're in the Miss Casablanca Contest and we are NOT being demoralized here at Mick's!")

The Talent Category-
 Brianna- Sings.
(Brianna sings "A dream is a wish your heart makes" from the 1950 Disney movie "Cinderella". I have no idea what happened to the audio, but she has promised to sing it again for us in another post.)
Patricia- Bakes.
Disa- Dances.
Olivia- Hairstyles.

The Evening Gown Category-

The Interview Category-
This year we added one more category to the contest, we hope that with these interviews you'll get to know a little more about the contestants! (Turn your computer speakers up, the videos are hard to hear.)

Olivia's Interview-
Disa's Interview-
Patricia's Interview-
Brianna's Interview-
(Thank you ladies!)

The contestants having given their all, it was now up to our judges to confer and deliberate...
(The Judges- Alton, Deanna & Kelcie-Miss Casablanca 1957.)
This ladies and gentlemen is why I myself am not a judge! As you can see the young ladies of the Casablanca are just oozing with personality and talent, each one of them with their heartfelt answers and dedication to our club that is the Casablanca makes them all dear friends and winners to me!
Also at this time I would like to honor Miss Casablanca 1957, Miss Kelcie B.

In 2011 (1957) when we hosted the very first Miss Casablanca contest, I was afraid no one would want to do it. Kelcie was the first to sign up. She has been everything we could have hoped for in a figure head for the Casablanca. Every party she is there to help, be it putting up decorations or cleaning the mess up afterwards I never had to ask. Kelcie took this position with pride and never hesitated volunteering even when the projects were less than glamorous. When she got the chance to travel abroad last summer she took the Miss Casablanca tiara with her and wore it proudly on the streets of London ever spreading the word  and good will of the Casablanca, and even posed for a few pictures too! Kelcie on behalf of the Casablanca I would like to say we are all very proud and honored that you were our very first Miss Casablanca and all who follow in your high heeled footsteps certainly will have big shoes to fill. Thank you for everything!

The Coronation of Miss Casablanca 1958- 

(A passing of the guard.)
(Congratulations Brianna!)

After the Contest we enjoyed refreshment, friendship and as the sun sank over the hill we gathered in the backyard. The Flamingo Drive-In had a showing of "Gentlewomen Prefer Blondes" in celebration of Brianna's victory!  The movie selection is also timely because in the story line Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel sail on the same ship as the 1952 American Summer Olympics Team!


  1. Looks like another fun and successful event at Mick's!

  2. Mick, this was great! You had me from the start! Seriously, it was like a 'mini' version of Dick Clark's Miss America show I remember from way back.
    Good job! And congrats to Brianna....I always knew that blondes had an 'edge' in these contests!!! lol


Tell me all about it!