Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summers End- 1958

( Summers End Dinner- 1958)
Well Readers, its the time of year again where we say goodbye to the summer season at the Casablanca. Friends break out all the best Pyrex and food for one last summer jaunt before school begins! The Texas weather was fickle, and none of us were quite sure what it was going to do. One minuet the sky was blue...
The just like last weekend, and without any warning the sky turned totally black!
(Kelcie: "This does NOT look good...")
It was a mad scramble to get the paper lanterns down and the tablecloth and dishes in the house. We all held our breath in anticipation of what mother nature was going to do. Luckily she favored us and after about 20 minuets the sky cleared back up, and we set the backyard up for dinner once more!
 (Wes & Dillon surveying the table scape.)
This Event has all the things I love about the Casablanca, good friends, good food, paper lanterns,( It isn't a garden party without paper lanterns.) and lots and lots of Pyrex!
 (Viola, Kelcie, Wes, Jordan, & Patricia with Pyrex on parade!)
(Kelcie's Homemade cookies!)
(Emily made her Grandmothers famous Spinach dip
and put it the Butter Print Chip &Dip!)
(Viola serves Mac & Cheese out of Jordan's 404.)
(Friends Jarrod, Jordan, Wes, Viola, Philip & Terrace.)
As you can see lots of tasty food in just about all the Pyrex we could fill.
(Drinking out of ZootSuitMama's swanky swigs!)
(Patricia, Emily, Jarrod, Dillon & John, cheekily chatting away!)
(Joe, Philip, Terrace & Chloe enjoying the sweets of summer!)
 After dinner we played a few rounds of the locally popular game "What if" made famous by our own Melissa. A pleasant ending to a mostly wonderful summer season at the Casablanca.



  1. Great way to end the summer. Doesn't it seem like it flew by? I love your friends, the pyrex, the table scape, paper lanterns, the Casablanca and of course, Mick the Man who made it all possible. What a wonderful day.

  2. That looked like such a great party.

  3. That party looks perfect!!! May I please have each and every one of your lawn chairs? I want them ALL!!!

  4. Another great time at the Casablanca! You're making wonderful memories that will last you a lifetime. No one will ever forget the friendship or the fun you had at these great parties.

  5. Every time I come here Mick, I am taken away to another adolescence!! I so loved this time....the 50's and early 60's and you guys have nailed it!! You must have had a 'past life' back then Mick, as you really are convincing.
    I LOVELOVELOVE those awanky Swigs!!
    Great summer ending for you all. Now, see what fall/winter brings.....


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