Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dance Invitations - A Lost Art!

Well Readers,
With March 16th steaming towards us, the "Casablanca Prom Committee" and myself are gearing up for the big dance!  The Pink and Yellow invitations you see are hand made, only eight in existence- these are for people who don't have Facebook or (usually older) and get a written invitation... Our colors for the dance being Pink and turquoise, we have the nifty pink invites for the girls in the turquoise envelopes, and the yellow invites (because they didn't have turquoise construction paper) for the guys!
The design is supposed to be that of a paper lantern, whenever I think of spring paper lanterns and garden party's are synonymous. The design is actually from a 1927 California High School's Junior prom.  When we Googled "Vintage Prom Invitation" and this is what popped up. I was amazed and overjoyed at the fact, some one from the Junior Class of 1927 had kept this all these years!
  (Not only an invitation, but a dance card as well)
Well  I'm sure, SOMEONE out there could have figured out an easier way to do this, however I had no patience and needed them asap to hand out on Saturday!  So I printed the picture out in a 5"x7" and cut the first "lantern" out of construction paper. Then with Patricia's help I cut out seven more and used a sharpie marker to make the design. of course the sharpie marker bled through the back of the paper, so we cut another set of lanterns out to glue on the back. We had originally planned to just print out the info and glue it on the face of the lantern, but that just looked all kinds of tacky... SO I made a make-shift light desk.
Out of a bed lamp, and the glass door of my trophy case. Then tapped the paper over the light, turned the lights off, and hand copied the lettering with a fountain pen.
THEY TOOK FOREVER TO FINISH, but the end result would fool you into believing that I have wonderful penmanship! (It really is a lost art!)

Both front a back sides too about 30 minuets each to do, that's right- just about an hour for each invite. So these babies are KEEPSAKES!  And not that I've flaunted our up coming party fun-

-Your Presence is requested,

Friday march 16, 1958

Please R.S.V.P. via Email.

(If any of you Bloggers would like to join us! )



  1. Remember, if it's 1958, it is not tacky, it's kitschy!

    Kudos to you for all of your effort. They look fabulous!

  2. How cute are those! I know all the recipients will keep them forever. They're worth every minute you spent on them.

  3. Love em! they go right with my Opium den bedroom!

  4. You think in 1958 people had Xerox machines? No sir! You are old school! They turned out beautiful. I love that you found an original prom invite online. It (along with yours) is truly a keepsakes!


Tell me all about it!