Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome To The 60's!

("There's the flasher who lives next door..." )

("Welcome to the 60's here at Mick's!)
 (Holly, John, Kat,Olivia, Seigin, Utah, Savannah, Joe, Charlie, Abbie, Shara, Rick, Emily, Logan,Cherrie, Shyann, Sheldon, & Viola!)

Well Readers, It was a blast fromt he past this weekend at the Casablanca!
Saturday evening friend Emily (and star of Hairspray) hosted a 1960's themed party for our friends in the cast. By the time everyone arrived it was a sweltering 112 outside, but that didnt stop us from donning vintage duds and twisting all over the place!
Since the music of the early 1960's  had us in the groove the majority of party decorations were records right out of my collection, we had them everywhere on the walls and counters...
On the shelves....
We even hung them from the ceiling...
And of course, we played them too!
 (My Sister Mable even made us this 1962 cupcake-cake!)

 Friend Holly whom we said "See you later" to no less than two months ago, came back all the way from Colorful Colorado to join in the party fun!

Since the heat was so terrible we mostly stayed in the house munching on the party food, and taking shelter in the "cool" of the Turquoise room.
(Some cooler than others!)
(The Lovely Clements Sisters, Abbie (Amber) & Emily (Tracy)!)
(AND Some had just gone CrAzY from the heat!)

Eventually the heat did break, right around 8:00 P.M. as usual. What was left of the party guests made our way out into the backyard and and the party really began.
 When it had gotten dark enough we set up the drive-in and showed our feature presentation!

The 1988 version of Hairspray, the one that started it all!

As the evening became cooler, we sat out and laughed and talked drank and ate...
 (Just perfectly picturesque, isn't it?)

To finish off the evenings festivities friend Joe taught and led us all in a Casablanca sing-a-long.



  1. Love it!!! I really have to get out there some time and see your place! :)

  2. Y'all really know how to party down there! If you can't beat the heat then show it how to do it right.

  3. Oooo! I love the picture with the lanterns, very pretty glow!
    You always have the funnest looking parties! :)

  4. 1962 was (is) a good year for you guys! I LOVE the star burst cupcakes! The flasher had the right idea, beat the heat in the nuuuuuude!


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