Friday, April 22, 2011

HAIR-raising Road Trip!

Well Readers,
 (Emily, Patricia, Savannah, Myself, & Sheldon)
Tuesday was a whirl-wind adventure! Friend and Casablanca member Savannah is one of the assistant stage managers in the Oklahoma State University Production of "Hair". When she told us  we immediately made plans to drive up and see the production, Savannah is one of my number one "set dressing fans" and always believes that I can pull it off, and is always there to listen so OF COURSE we had to go see her! So with Patricia driving and myself along with Friends Emily and Sheldon we set off for Stillwater Oklahoma.
Let me tell you putting four die hard theater people in the same small confined space makes for an interesting eight hour round trip drive...

 (We were feeling Russian!)

 (Te-he, Please Pardon my swearing!)
Needless to say it was a wonderful adventure! We acted like "tourists" and had people taking  pictures for us at every stop!
(Sheldon being eaten by a Gas station Monster)
(Eating a subway pre-meal just outside of Oklahoma City)
Patricia was just about ready to kill Sheldon and I (as we had been acting like seven year olds for solid two hours) when we reached the town of Stillwater we had just enough time to find a parking spot and buy the tickets for the show...and WHAT A SHOW IT WAS!
 (The set of Hair, picture by Sheldon)
I value the Musical "Hair" about the same way I do "Jesus Christ Superstar"  It's  race-y,  taboo and I absolutely  love it! This production was well thought out and put together, it had smoke, lights, snow, fire, and soooooo much more. We were all wowed by the production and loved every minuet of it, from the great 60's music to the powerful message and ending of the show, it was worth every bit of the eight hour drive as well as getting to see our friend Savannah!
As a gift for her first big college show we got Savannah a dozen red roses, and the original 1968 Grammy Award winning "Hair" Soundtrack. (I'm starting to rub off on my friends, they are all getting record players and collecting albums!)  I ordered the same album for my ever growing collection and will keep the program and ticket stub in the cover.

After the show got out Savannah took us to eat at this local all night place called "Shortcakes"
This place was be decked in OSU Orange and smelled like one of those hometown places where you just know the food is going to be amazing!

(Savannah, Emily,Patricia,Sheldon & I. circa 10:30 P.M.)

Everything on the menu sounded good, but I finally settled on a Patty-melt on rye bread and a side of tater tots, and when it came out it was to die for!
(Nom, Nom, Nom!)
We laughed and chatted and just had one good old time over dinner, then after saying good byes three or four different times we finally had to head out on the four hour drive back home... but not before one last picture!
(While stopped at a gas station Emily becomes an O.S.U. fan, however she did not buy the hat haha!)
On the ride home on an endless maze of toll roads, we at times we had to roll down the windows and blast music to keep from going to sleep we finally arrived home about 4:30 Wednesday morning safe and sound. (all having to go to work or school bright and early the next day) However even with the sleep deprivation the trip was fun and so worth it! Who knows after everyone recovers we may just load up and go somewhere again!



  1. Looks like you had fun! Mick, you make an interesting Babushka.

    Congratulations on having an opportunity to drive the toll roads in Oklahoma - a state that ranks in the bottom 5 for road conditions in the US - yet they will still charge you an arm and a leg to use their roads.

  2. Mick sounds like so much fun and what great support for a friend! I loved Hair when I saw it years ago. What a great musical.

  3. Oh, and thanks for the Russian remark - you got this song stuck in my head. Now I'm gonna share so it's stuck in your head as well. :)

  4. Fun as always!!

    I love that you have Sing Sing Sing playing on your blog most times I click on it. It's my fav!!

  5. Another fun time! I remember when Hair was was 'everywhere'. I still know most of the words of that whole album. You would have been right in your element Mick.....but you are already!


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