Saturday, June 5, 2010

Im Having Me A Party!

Gee dear readers!

Only 13 days left (as of Sunday) until "As Time Goes By"   I know all iv done the last few posts is talk about all I have to do, BUT THERE'S A TON!  However very slowly it seems the list is getting smaller,  and now im getting to focus on the decorating part of the program.  Which isn't hard, because the house itself looks like it was plucked form the 1950's Twilight zone, or might just be that last house on the left in Mayberry.    Speaking of perfection,  I think iv finally found a way to show the rude drunken neighbors a taste of their own medicine...
Friday night when I got to the lake they were going at it full force screaming yelling throwing bottles.. UNTIL 3 IN THE MORNING....  well long ago I gave up asking them to keep it down... then I had a BRILLIANT idea I woke up around 5:45 on Saturday morning, and all was quite across the way.. so I played a little decorative piano... and it went a little something like this...

That's just a small sampling... of the 27 minuet performance I gave this morning...    It was sort of like kicking an ant hill... watching all the inebriates scramble from their trailers and whisk around their front yards to find from whence the noise was coming... There I sat on the porch... and when the "leader" finally came over and asked "Why the HELL was I doing that at this hour?"  I said with the utmost surprise "Well im just having a little fun with my buddies, ya know... Like you were having around 2:45 this morning..." 
Needless to say, it is much more quiet this evening... 

Later in the day my friend Zack drove out the Casablanca to run lines for the show. (Zack is playing the Role of 'Pirate King') After we listened to the whole show on the record Zack gave the piano a  play...

While were on the topic of the piano, my grandmother gave me an early birthday present Friday~!
He's not a tv lamp, but he IS a Black Panther!
I moved Chris' planter inside (for fear of it getting broken) 
I also found this wedged inside the piano... its like a wooden half dollar for a store advertisement of "Val-o-milks"  and if you collected enough you could apparently get 10 of them free?! No telling how long its been down in there.

*   *   * 

Back to As time Goes By,
Heres a 2d model of the backyard I made to get the point across to my mother... 
 I was trying to tell her how I wanted things and yet again was met with a "And What is this for?"  However after seeing my model I think its finally starting to dawn on here we MIGHT be having company June 19th! Haha,  as you can see, there will be 5 round tables in the back yard, we have some big flower looking things were going to hang on the bushes, a string of paper lanterns strung from the house to the telephone pole in the back, and the coke box will also be moved from its usual spot to be more accommodating... YES I literally had to draw it out for my mother, and "I apologize that its a crude model, not quite to scale and I didn't have time to paint it" (can you name the movie?)
  (To go in the Coke Box, we will also have tea and water...)

Just incase you may have missed it since March,


  1. That's the BEST retribution ever!!!

  2. Mick great revenge the piano playing early AM! Everything looks to be coming together nicely! Love the Black Panther.

  3. Oh, that's priceless! Youre doing great! I looked at the calendar and said, "Whoa", it really is coming up fast.The trailer story continues, and I'm having trouble getting it licensed. We'll see! Zootsuitmama

  4. Mick, For all the bloggers who can not be at the opening of the Casablanca, good luck and have a great time. It has been the talk of the blog world and I am so jealous I can not be there. Please take a whole lot of pictures. And please post during the event, we want movies. Your sad followers and fans.

  5. Oh man, time is a tickin' I better get those 45's off to you STAT! Good job on the piano wake up call. Show those philistines a thing or two!


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