Saturday, June 26, 2010

"As Time Goes by" Part 6 of 7...

Well dear readers,
The day was coming to a close, but the party was FAR from over.  With the flamingo games finished It still wasn't quite time to start showing movies on the Drive-In, so a few of us moved into the Casablanca's 'lounge" for  an impromptu piano recital from a few of our guests!

****for better watching of the videos with out the "play list juke box" scroll down and look in the right side bar and pause the music.****
The first to fearlessly pic the piano to pieces, was friend Corey! ( He is playing the part of Sam in Pirates) and he plays a mean "Maple Leaf Rag" So without further adieu ( and please pardon the out of tune piano)  Corey!

 Wasn't that great?!  Corey then played the evenings theme song "As Time Goes By"  which is also the theme to the 1943 movie "Casablanca"

Well once Corey got things started everyone who had an idea of what they were doing took a turn on the piano...

however somewhere in the transfer from camera to computer a few preformaces were lost! So we'll cut right to friend Michelle playing a little later setting a more 'classical' mood for the evening!

 All I can say is it was worth every bit of that $35 to have the house filled with music (and to have people who actually know how to play piano!)  In just a few minuets the movies would begin, but everyone was having so much fun we listened to piano a while longer!
(Lydia, Jen, Wes, and Lee kicking it in the den!)
 But even music of the 'parlor variety' couldnt keep these kids from parking it in the Drive-In to watch the evenings movies....

which you will have to tune in for tomorrow for the finale part 7 of 7!


  1. Oh rats. And I would've played the most EXCELLENT "Chopsticks", too. Love that "Maple Leaf Rag"!!!

  2. I'm hearing competing music with the video. =/

    Can't get one to play without the other, but the first vid? He's got talent!

  3. You guys know how to have a lot of fun! And talented too!

  4. I LOVE musical talent! I wish I had some myself. What a great group of friends you have Mick!


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