Thursday, June 24, 2010

"As Time Goes By" Part 4 of 7

Well readers, after our half time show,  the perfect time of day settled upon the Casablanca... what I like to call "The Golden Hour" just before the sun goes down, the days heat breaks, and twilight creeps over the hill.  However it was no where near time to start showing movies on the Drive-In... so we played some more records, and the merriment continued!
(Emily & Andrew take a pause that refreshes!)
(Brannon, Pam, & Kayla lounge about)
(Landon may or may not have had an accident because greatness of the next Golden Flamingo Contest)

The Hokey Pokey....

 As you can see it was a pretty close competition, but Landon came in second all because of his vanity, 
 However he and Lydia worked out a custody agreement about their flamingo Lydia: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Landon:" Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturdays (and alternating Sundays*Note* the contest and death match were so close, Landon was later rewarded with his very own golden flamingo.
A special thanks to our lovely Hokey Pokey dance judge, Dorothy!
Here's a few shots snapped during the Hokey Pokey...
("You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out...")
("You do the Hokey Pokey, and you turn yourself around")

 Tune in tomorrow to see the final Golden Flamingo winner in the "Twist" Competition!



  1. Well, y'all are just darn lucky that we weren't able to get there because my husband would've beaten y'all to death at the Hokey Pokey. One question: where's the beer? You mean you can have this much fun WITHOUT ALCOHOL?! Whoa!!!!!!

  2. Belive it or not Chris, there was no Alchohol or drugs at this party :) Just good clean old fashioned fun!

  3. Mick it looks like such a good time and no alcohol or drugs makes it even better. Although Vintage Christine and I might have had to sneak a beer or two...but we are Vintage so it's ok! :)

  4. Goodness I wish we lived close by. There's no good fun like that on our street. And I like it even better that there is no beer nor drugs. LOVE IT!

  5. Just tuned in! Looking forward to Part 5. I love vintage too and look forward to your blogs.

  6. Oh man! The hokey pokey! It takes me back to the roller rink! What fun !

  7. I LOVE the Hokey Pokey and I'm loving this blog. You're bringing back some memories, Mick! Found you thru RetroModGirl, so you can thank her. :) Pam @ Sallygoodin


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