Monday, May 10, 2010

"Hell-OOOOOOOOO BAY-BEEEEEE" So This Is How It All Got Started...

So Although it was Mothers Day, It was revealed to me what may have been the VERY cause of my like (later to love passion) of the 1940's &  50's.  When I was but 2 years old,  Memorial Auditorium  (Where I saw "Always Patsy Cline" Saturday)  had 1 one night only limited event featuring none other than.....
Now dear bloggers, I nearly fell out of my chair! 'THE KILLER' had been HERE in our town?!  Then mom proceeded to BLOW MY MIND when she showed me this...
If this were a Lifetime movie I would have exclaimed something like "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!" however it was more like "HO-LY ....." haha!  Mom went on the explain that Jerry Lee was 2 hours late to the concert, and She went around to the stage door to meet him. When he finally did show up he stepped out of a van and asked my mother "Any thing I can do for you young lady?"  Mom said, "We'll id like for you to take a picture with my son?"  AND HE DID! As it turns out  his son Jerry Lee Lewis III, wasn't much old than I was so he was glad to take a picture. He then stood there with my mom and a few other people for 20 minuets chatting while the Auditorium filled with almost 3,000 people waited! 
In this picture, Jerry Lee is holding me. and my mom is the woman in the back. No idea who that girl was... OH and that chicken scratch you see on the white thing? That my friends would be the ticket stub, which he signed!  Mom said after that they all went into the auditorium and saw his show, she and my dad were worried the music might be to loud for me. But apparently I clapped, bounced and danced in my seat the whole time! 
So there you have it, the man who started it all.... I may have to name my next Lawn Chair after him!



  1. Mick - that is hands down the BEST Jerry Lee Lewis story ever!!

  2. Was this the first time you heard this story and saw the picture? That is truly mind blowing! Great story Mick.

  3. OMG, you are kidding me??? I mean I know your not but wow. Just wow.


  4. Whoa! I can't believe she never showed you that before! That's an incredible story & super rad photos-wow!

  5. Jerry Lee Lewis was ahead of his time, and you like venturing into the past, so, it was inevitable that your paths would cross. Fantastic story.

  6. I saw Jerry Lee Lewis in concert about 20 years ago. He was fabulous! No photos though! Your Mom rocks...literally!

  7. What a cool story! Yes, I love me some jerry lee! I always call people "Bay-doll!" from the movie with Dennis Quaid! He played him so arrogant. Pix like these make me think otherwise. Zootsuitmama

  8. "Oh, who's this a picture of? Oh, it's me? Wait, it's me and Jerry Lee Lewis? Oh. Well, that's a surprise."

    ((as the envy level moves from a verdant green to a deep shade of chartreuse))

    Well played, Mick's mom. Just too cool.


Tell me all about it!