Sunday, April 11, 2010

An Accomplished Sunday.

Oh readers what a week its been!
But before I go on,  Please stand by for this Public Announcement....
If you'd like to join us, simply R.S.V.P.  by sending an email to

*  *  *

Went to the Casablanca for the first time in what seems like EVER and much to my horror that terrible lady Mother Nature has been reeking havoc on the back yard while I was busy being a 'Superstar'... weeds in the Drive-In, weeds in the gravel pit, weeds under the stairs... it was all a little over whelming! See in a regular year iv already started going to the lake about 3 weeks ago,  but such is not the case! So I got the sprayer and reel mower out and started raging the war that is "The Battle of the Drive-In"  (for the moment im winning) and a few hours later it looked somewhat like what our postcards portray...  Im so excited I only have 1 more weekend of obligations and then I will be able to spend FULL weekends at the Casablanca!

However right now I have to do my dreaded Spanish homework...

hope you like the new spring postcard/invitation!



  1. ...and you hit 100 followers today! :)

  2. ha ha ha...Spanish homework. There are a lot of things I miss about being your age, but the homework is not one of them!

  3. Finally had my lawn crew start chopping down the weeds in my back yard. Let someone else do it, phooey! lol... (I've done it for years, I paid my dues!).

  4. Weeds are the bain of my existence! Round up is my best friend, along with a 3 gallon back pack sprayer!

  5. Congratulations on 100 followers Mick and also on waging and winning the war on weeds...for the time being. Love your invitations. The flowers are beautiful. Wish we weren't so far away.

  6. Congratulations on everything! Well, except for the Spanish homework, though I hope that went well obviously! :D

  7. I love the wildflowers in your yard in the postcard. I want a whole yard full instead of grass, and like my neighbors sign say, Welcome to the "Yarden".
    Who cares if wildflowers are weeds? Some anyway. Mick, you are awesome, 100 followers. I am so glad you decided to make your blog, it makes my day!! Zootsuitmama


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