Tuesday, April 6, 2010

10 Weeks and Counting!

  ~ The Guests List Thus Far ~

Chris - "Im not old, Im vintage"
Michael - "Cul-de-sac-shack"
Debra - "Zootsuitmama"
Nick - "Decades a go-go"

If you would like to come and join us, Please R.S.V.P. by sending an Email to JahJah_jordan@hotmail.com, we'd love to have you!
*  *  *

Iv got to say even though its that far away im starting to get worried/ excited!  All my friends and Casablanca regulars are slow about getting excited for things like this and provably wont be fully on board until June 18th! haha!  My friend and postcard maker Kati keeps me on my toes, a few days ago she asked me "what have you told these people about the party?" I said "that its June the 19th, and the theme will be a 1950's BBQ"  to which Kati says "But what are these people expecting when they get here? Have you promised them anything?"  I told her that they are coming to hang out, and see the World Famous Casablanca, and maybe catch a movie or 2 on the Drive-In. Than Kati says the words that scare me to death....
"Is that enough?"
 I had no answer to this~! I explained that, I hadn't promised anything really except for a good time... and Now shes got me worried!  

So here's my question to the 4 of you that have sent your R.S.V.P. (as well as any others out there) What are you expecting when ya get here!?  Im working on getting some entertainment, as of right now, you've got DJ MJ and his record player  haha!  I also know that night "Casablanca" along wint other movies will be played at the Drive-In as well as a slide show of what we've done there in the last 5 years!  The house will also be open and pristine for all of you wo go in and look around :)

Here are some more party things Iv picked up,  plates, and the giant flower looking things are place mats, but I may stick them on the bushes in the back yard.  I also started a 90 ft newspaper made garland to string between tiki torches here and there.

Everyone is buzzing about it here, I'v never hosted a bad party before and dont want to start now, so lets make this one the party of the year!



  1. That is so funny! I so wish I could come down...maybe another year! Texas is real far from Québec!LOL

    Where will your guest be staying?

    Will you be feeding them? Just curious....

    Will there be Jell-o molds???

  2. I am still trying to see what my work schedule would be like... But I would expect some spiked 1950s punch at the party, and then the next day a map to your local thrift stores :)

  3. Ooh I can't wait! Food and vintage movies and music...sounds good to me! Maybe a dash to a local thrift store or vintage place could be fun too!

  4. My response to everybody's posts today has been the same...I'M JEALOUS! Take lots of photos! I can't wait to see everyone and hear all the stories!

    Have fun!

  5. You guys are going to have great time so don't worry. I wish I could be there and tell Hollywood gossip. Think of me and have a wonderful time. If you need tropical cocktail umbrella's let me know.

  6. Sounds like it'll be awesome, I wish I could be there! Casablanca's playing at the local drive in? Blimey, I want to live where you live!!!! :)

  7. Oh to be there and not an ocean away :-( sounds like it is going to be great fun!

  8. where did you get those pink and green plates? im in LOVE! please and thanks

    megan :).


Tell me all about it!